MBRNPC Ambassador

Military families and those that support them are our strongest advocates…..

Becoming a MBRNPC Ambassador gives you an opportunity to advocate with us on issues affecting military families in the prenatal and postpartum periods. Join a passionate group of military families, birth workers, and supporters that are our “boots on the ground,” working with local care providers, taking part in legislative meetings, and elevating stories from your local communities on prenatal care, birth, infant feeding, and maternal mental health. You know what’s happening first hand with your military community.

As an ambassador you’ll

  • Have invitations to our quarterly Ambassador meetings

  • Receive updates and toolkits for advocacy work

  • Represent your community

  • Host local events supported by MBRNPC

To become an Ambassador of the MBRNPC, we ask for a minimum $25 donation.* We will contact you after you receive confirmation of donation.

*If a donation is not possible due to financial hardship, please reach out to make arrangements.