An opportunity to learn about pelvic floor dysfunction.

Hello! My name is Ashley Gammon. I am a military wife and mom to our three girls who are now 5,8,9. I delivered all of my babies via c-section and suffered with pelvic floor dysfunction for six long years before finding any answers.


This is what lead me to create a project I hold near and dear to my heart . This project is called M.O.M.S. – Military Outreach MUTU System.

My mission and passion for this project is to bring education, resources and tools to my military moms across the globe, both spouses and soldiers. Pelvic floor and core health continue to be a very ignored area in women’s health and I want to change that! I know and get the struggles of everyday life as a military spouse. When our body is not working right and doesn’t feel good it makes everything else seem a bit harder. At least for me it did! When I am holding down the fort and doing all of this things I need my body to work and to be strong. For years I suffered with a diastasis recti that caused me to have problems such as lower back pain, constipation and a never ending feeling that something was off my with own body. I discovered an online program, called MUTU System and it drastically changed my life! So much that I became certified to teach the program, which has now lead me to launch M.O.M.S. I want to share this with my military moms, because it changed my life and I want to empower you with my story and to be able to hear yours too!

I work with moms locally where we are stationed in Detroit, MI. I hear the same things over and over form my moms. I hear that sex is painful, they pee their pants, they are in pain, things don’t feel right down there and that they don’t even want to look at their own bodies. Your body is amazing and you deserve to feel amazing in it! This project is all about serving military mamas! We are coming to you can excited to be hosting our first live event at FT. Bragg, NC this August. Women are suffering and most are doing so in silence. We are going to change that! Our goal is to empower you with education, resources, tools and body confidence. Excited to be hosting this event and share our knowledge with you! We promise you will leave feeling empowered and having all of the tools to start your journey to healing. Leaving you with a body that works right and feels good!

To learn more or participate in the upcoming event you can visit M.O.M.S MasterClass to register for the event. There is a fee to cover this event. 

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Ashley Gammon | M.O.M.S. Project and Community Manager and MUTU Pro, and certified personal trainer

Ashley is a personal trainer, MUTU Pro, military spouse, and is heading up the M.O.M.S. project. Through her work as a MUTU Pro, Ashley has helped hundreds of moms to recover, get fit and find body confidence again, post-baby. Together with Wendy Powell, Ashley launched the brand new Military Outreach MUTU System to military moms all over the world, helping them to build a much needed community of support, and guiding them in their postpartum recovery. She is now taking M.O.M.S. to the next level and empowering military spouse with career building and income generating opportunities.

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Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Military Birth Resource Network. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Military Birth Resource Network, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.


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